Should You Change Your Name After Getting Married?

Should You Change Your Name After Getting Married?

By Sheri & Bob Stritof, Guides

Did you see the movie The Wedding Singer? There is one scene where the character Julia is saying her soon to be, new last name, Julia Gulia, and she breaks down in tears. Can you blame her?

The decision to Change or Not Change Your Name After Marriage is a Major Decision

Because names are very much a part of your identity and heritage, the decision to retain your birth name (maiden name) or not after getting married is a major one.

It is not unusual today for a woman to keep her maiden name professionally, and to use her married name socially. Whether or not to change names is one of the first decisions a married couple needs to make.

Name Change Options
-There are many name change options available to married couples today. We’re using the names Mary Jones and Pete Smith as examples.

Both Use Your Husband’s Family Name:
-This is the most widely used name change option in the U.S. (Pete and Mary Smith)

Both Retain Your Birth Names
-This name change option is a popular choice when you both have established professional identities. Some women who choose this option use their husband’s last name for social purposes. (Pete Smith and Mary Jones)

Both of You Use Wife’s Family Name
-This name change option is not widely used as some couples have strong feelings about using the wife’s last name. (Pete and Mary Jones)

Wife Uses Maiden Name as Middle Name Along With Husband’s Family Name
-This name change option is growing in popularity. (Mary Jones Smith and Pete Smith)

Hyphenate Your Two Names
– This is another name change option that is growing in popularity, but there is concern that it could create confusion for some people and computers. (Mary Jones-Smith and Pete Jones-Smith)

Both Use Each Other’s Names as Middle Names
-Since you are both keeping your own last name, this is more of a symbolic gesture than a practical one. (Pete Jones Smith and Mary Smith Jones)

Pick a New Name
-Some couples use their last names to create a new name (Smiones) or they pick an entirely different name. (Pete and Mary Carter)

Latin American/Spanish Name Tradition
– Couples in many Spanish speaking countries give their children both their father’s last name and their mother’s maiden name to preserve the heritage of both families. When marrying, a woman has the option of keeping all her names and adding her husband’s last name or dropping her mother’s maiden name.

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